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Join our Team

Understand the fundamental differences between the three regions' flavors. Absolute NO FUSION cooking technique.
3 + years in Vietnamese culinary
Be able to assist Head Chef in creating new dishes
Knowledgeable of the central Vietnamese cuisine
Strong work ethic and level-headed under pressure

​Phu Bêp (Nu)
+Ngày làm 8 tiêng/5ngay
+ Công viêc, thoi gian lam viêc, luong bông se Ä‘uoc trao Ä‘ôi trong luc phong vân

Ayudante de Cocina
+ Habla algo de ingles
+ Debe tener documento
+ Documentación necesiara

Viec lam bán thoi gian cho du hoc sinh
+ Cuôi tuân / Weekend
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